- By Jennifer LaMore
- In Repairs
Rounded drywall corners
If you go to Europe and visit some of the homes that dot the French country side you will notice that many of the home have rounded (bullnose) plaster corners. This European trend started many years ago and although it’s not as popular today as it once was, a room with rounded corners can be warm and inviting as they tend to give of an adobe kind of feel, especially when the room servers a specific purpose or is decorated with a French flair.
Rounded corners are not difficult to do if you prepare for adding a rounded corner bead. You have to cut the drywall a little shorter that you normally would to accommodate the extra sized of the rounded corner bead. Most home center have rounded corner beads for sale but they don’t discuss how to create the look you’re going for. You can pick up plastic templates for the install which will make it a little easier to complete the look. There is a downside to rounded corners and that is cutting and preparing the floor trim. There are several options for adding rounded corners and keeping a squared molding but the will require some extra technique and practice, but it can be done.

Rounded corners are not for everyone and they can be time consuming but when done right you turn an ordinary room into something special with just a little extra effort. I was recently tin a renovated barn that was turned into a entertainment area and I immediately noticed the round corners on the walls in the old barn. It was a beautiful look and I tried to picture the corners squared and it was difficult to see it. It was a great look for this room. However, the barn renovation was amazing all on its own, so that helped.
The more detail you add to a rounded corner the better it looks but the more work you have to do. Any sculpted floor molding adds a unique look to the wall. Most people don’t pay any attention to the walls other than painting them and hanging pictures. When you round a corner it shows you have attention to the details.